I was listening to Nora Young yesterday on 'Spark'. She was talking about what makes a good blog.
I need to define a purpose for this thing. So far I am just playing around and getting my feet wet. That is okay for me.
It is what I encourage my students to do whenever they encounter something new; they should play. We can learn quite a lot through playing.
I write in my journal every day. I write in there for a few reasons. One is I enjoy the physical act of writing. I enjoy the way the pen moves across the page. I like to form letters with my hand. In some ways it is a form of physical/mental therapy. I exercise my hand and wake up my brain.
Much of what I write is really boring, trivial stuff. I make notes of the things I have to do that day or things that happened the day before. Sometimes I record my dreams. They can be incredibly creative.
Why do I write it?
I do it in part for my children. I want them to have a record of their father. They may be disappointed to learn that I was so vacuous and boring but it may inspire them to not be so.
Now I come to 'purpose'. Who will read this? Why would anyone care about my musings on anything? What is the purpose of this blog?
I think I need to look at other people's blogs and see what does and doesn't work for me. Over the next few days I will hopefully develop a more clear purpose. In the meantime, sorry to anyone who stumbles across this and has to put up with my aimless ramblings. If anyone does read this and has any suggestions, I believe there is an option to leave comments.
2 days ago